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A Day In The Life of a Cock Tease Princess


Men ask me, all the time, silly questions about my life and what I do and how I do it and why. You ask about my day. Do I work? Do I go to school? What do I wear to these things? Am I always with my friends? Do I notice when you are hard and staring at me? Do I tease you on purpose or does it just happen because I am so hot? How do I choose which man I’m going to tease? Does it happen every day or do I sometimes spend a whole day not teasing anyone? See what I mean? Questions and more questions abound when you start letting me know all the things you wonder about me, your Cock Tease Princess.


Morning is for Sweating and Getting Wet


So, I decided to give you a little snapshot. If it answers your questions, great.  If not, oh well! After all, this is me being generous and giving you some attention. I could just continue to ignore your questions. Now, before I change my mind, let’s see what does a day in the life of a natural cock tease princess look like. Well, it starts off with a bottle of water and a run. We always look good and these tight, sexy bodies don’t just appear on their own. But running through the park in a little pink sports bra and pair of hip hugging yoga pants is a tease all it’s own.

You know that though, don’t you? Can’t you just imagine being out there, trudging along, trying to finish whatever workout you are forcing yourself to do and having me run past you. You’d notice my full breasts and great ass, no doubt.  And maybe even be inspired to run faster and work harder to keep me in sight! It’s almost like community service. My running keeps you in shape, too.

And if you find your cock is too hard to go very far, well at least we got some blood pumping! That’s always a good thing! And you can rest and think about the next thing I do, which is go home and shower. I strip off my clothes as soon as I walk through the door and stroll naked to the bathroom, standing and looking at myself in the mirror while the water heats up. Then I step in and soap up, washing my hair and my body, running my hands over my smooth skin.  You are imagining those are your hands now, aren’t you? I know you are, no use lying.


Next is Friends, Hot Liquids and Teasing You Like Crazy


Next, I spread lotion all over my body. I dress, as well as fix my hair and makeup. Then, I head out to meet my friends, usually for coffee. I love a steaming cup of Joe and since it’s still warm enough for bare legs, my short skirt and body hugging t-shirt would certainly have you spilling that hot liquid (I mean the coffee, silly) all over your pants. This time there wouldn’t be only me to tease you.  And yes, I would be doing it on purpose, because you are sitting there staring. Though what I did would depend on my plans for the day. If we were going shopping or just hanging out, well then I can have some fun with you.  But if I had a college class, it would be more of a tease and run!

To be honest, I chose you because you were so blatantly staring at some part of me. My legs, boobs, ass, something.  And I caught you! Yes, I caught you looking and your punishment is the tease. Sure, sometimes I catch super hot guys staring because they can’t resist a cock tease like me, and I might even be tempted to go further with them.  Except the control of the tease is too addictive and I have a hot boyfriend if I want to get laid.


Me in Control


No, this is all about being in control of your cock. Me being in control of it, that is. I wait until you are looking and pretending not to, then I bend over and let you get a look at my ass, or I smile at you and run my tongue over my lips. Anything to let you think that I’m as interested in you as you are in me. Of course this is all part of the fun and you can’t resist!

You see, a Cock Tease Princess has lots of things to do in her day and fucking you is not one of them. Though making you believe she might,  that is very high on the list!


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